About Us

The District was created in 1955 and operated without an Administration building until 1972, which was just a small office inside a metal framed garage. The District’s Board of Directors and management efficiently managed the District operational needs from that location for over 47 years. As the growth of the District continued, five separate building expansions or improvements were completed during that timeframe. Essentially, the District’s growth outpaced the accommodations needed to provide additional staff members to meet the customer needs.
The District started researching location sites for a new administration building in 2016 and purchased the current property in January of 2018. The District Board authorized construction with the approval of the 2019 Budget and executed a Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) contract with Art C. Klein Construction in April 2019. The District selected LKA Partners to complete the building design and GMS Engineering Inc., completed the building site work and utilities design. Substantial completion of the 13,960 sq. ft. building was obtained January 2020. The leadership of the District ensured the current building was designed to suit future expansions to match future growth and overall needs of its customers.